Essex Partners Insurance is a reputable firm that offers its clients access to Homeowners, Automobile and Commercial insurance across Florida and Georgia. At Essex Partners Insurance we understand that life is constantly changing and having the right insurance to protect your family and business is imperative.
The laws in Florida and Georgia currently require anyone driving a car to have automobile insurance. And while there are no laws on the books requiring homeowners to have insurance on their properties, many banks require that their customers purchase a policy to protect their investment. It is advised that homeowners choose a policy that provides full coverage, or the entire cost of replacing the home with current building code requirements, and that they have some sort of content insurance. Some lenders only require that homeowners have content insurance to cover the cost of replacing the items inside the home.
Essex Partners Insurance is proud to be providing Homeowners, Automobile and Commercial insurance to customers in Florida and Georgia. We provide an insurance rating tool to help you find the rate and coverage level that will best suit your needs. This tool can be used by those looking for a variety of homeowner and car insurance packages, and it is available to be used for free on our website by anyone who would like to research rates.
To find out more about the packages and services that we offer, we encourage you to stop into on of our office to discuss our products in greater detail. Our aim is to best understand how we can make sure all your insurance needs are met. We can help you set up a new policy, and we cannot wait for the opportunity to do business with you.